Embryo quality and blastocyst collapse and contractions+
Endometrial Scratching/Injury+
Endometrial thickness and FET
Updated IVFCPD Projects
IVFCPD Projects
Basic Follicle and ovarian biology
Follicle recruitment and development
Follicle recruitment and development
Noninvasive Biomarkers for Human Embryo Potential
Latest References added to IVFCPD
Ka Ying Bonnie Ng, Eri Maeda, Joyce Harper, RBMO LIVE: Episode V, https://ivfmeeting.com/collections/sessions/products/session-96-rbmo-vi
Diane M Duffy, CheMyong Ko, Misung Jo, Mats Brannstrom, Thomas E Curry, Ovulation: Parallels With Inflammatory Processes, Endocrine Reviews, Volume 40, Issue 2, April 2019, Pages 369–416, https://doi.org/10.1210/er.2018-00075
Female Reproduction.9Scince Direct Review) https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/granulosa-cell