sBMYear=2024 and sBMMonth=7
sCurrentPeriodOrder=223 for period=July,2024
  Open QAPonline Open IVFDaily Open IVFCPD Open IVFBenchmark Open IVFLabOnline MID= 223/223-July,2024 GUID:0
Providing a source of professional credits.
Open IVFCPD IVFCPD An online education and CPD program designed for individuals to explore current publications and topics and for clinics to select courses to customize their internal program for accreditation and education.
QAPonline An online external quality assurance program based upon clinic subscription and individual staff enrollments in selected schemes - internal and external comparisons. Exercises in Andrology, embryology and Ultrasound.

You can create an anonymous login code and password for QAPonline once you have registered.

Sperm Morphology A series of sperm morphology images for assessment of individual spermatozoa for training, competency and research.
Open IVFDaily IVFDaily Now a current collection of new publications - a modern day version of Current Contents!!
IVFTextBook An online "TextBook" containing an ordered collection of open access articles for a general reference for IVF staff.
Webinar Library An ordered collection of open access webinars from professional sources for a general reference for IVF staff.
CPD Diary An online diary that allows subscribers to collect their CPD activities both from within IVFCPD and general reading and other quality activities. Clinics are able to create an individualize CPD program and to collate staffs activities for accreditation and review purposes.
Open IVFBenchmark IVFBenchMark An anonymous online benchmark program for KPI management and external benchmarking. IVF Benchmark requires an initial confirmation of your email but once you have opened IVFBenchmark, any activity is totally anonymous.

If you lose your logon codes, IVFBenchmark cannot find them. But on the good side, nobody can either!! - thats how it has been designed - your data is meaningless to anybody else!

Open IVFLabOnline IVFLabonline An online collation of links to products used in IVF clinics.
Copyright IVFCPD Pty Ltd
Contact IVFCPD at