sBMYear=2025 and sBMMonth=2
sCurrentPeriodOrder=230 for period=February,2025
FertAid Register
  Open QAPonline Open IVFDaily Open IVFCPD Open IVFBenchmark Open IVFLabOnline MID= 230/230-February,2025
Use as part of your new staff development program.
Register for QAPonline, IVFDAily Mailing List,IVFCPD Modules and other FertAid Activities
Notes on Registration.

In the past, you were able to subscribe just to IVFDaily. However with the development of several modules of interest to IVF staff, FertAid has streamlined the several pathways for registration into the one simple and less complicated option.

From 2018, FertAid asks all registrations, even just to receive the delivery IVFDaily, to register with Fertaid. This allows you to benefit from all the modules developed for IVF staff.

The new registration process asks you to provide an email address to which FertAid will post a link to complete your registration. The aim is to ensure each registration is both unique and valid.

Fertaid has developed a number of online quality activities in which you nominate your interest at registration or you can activate at any time after you have completed he registration. IVFDaily is the default option.
The activites can be summarized as:
QAPonline: external quality control programmer for accreditation and quality assurance.
IVFDaily: a summary of selected recent publications and news item that can be posted to you once a week. This is a great tool to keep your staff informed of what is new in IVF.
IVFCPD: a new continuous development programmer to promote online continuous education.
IVFlabonline: a program to list companies and products applicable to IVF clinics
IVFBenchmark: an online totally anonymous program to plot your clinics KPI data and inspect for divergence. This can only be accessed via a Fertaid log and available only to verifiable IVF clinics but once approved, further access is only via a unique anonymous login.
General Register for FertAid.
First Name
Last Name
Application QAPonline
  IVFLabonline (business)
eMail *
Check eMail
* email must be unique in FertAid Register
Password max 10 Characters
Check PW
  Please submit your email and validation eMail